Pranking Your Android Emulator

How to spoof incoming calls on Android

Posted by Grego on February 18, 2015

I needed to spoof incoming phone calls in order to test a caller id feature of my app.

port number in title bar

Run your app on the emulator. The title bar of the emulator should have a number and a name. In the above example, 5554:Nexus_5_API_19. The leading 4 digits is the port number that your emulator is running on.

telnet phone calls

telnet into your emulator using that port number:

telnet localhost 5554

and issue the following command:

gsm call 1234567890

fake phone call

And you will see an incoming call from (123) 456-7890. To spoof a text you can also try:

sms send 1234567890 word homie what's up

fake text message

And you’ll get a text from (123) 456-7890 saying word homie what’s up.